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Laugh Your Way through the Holidays with these Hilarious 12 Days of Christmas Funny Lyrics

12 Days Of Christmas Funny Lyrics

Discover the hilariously modified lyrics of the classic holiday song 12 Days of Christmas that will surely tickle your funny bone!

Get ready to laugh out loud as we take a hilarious spin on the classic holiday song, The 12 Days of Christmas. We all know the traditional lyrics that describe extravagant gifts given by a true love over the course of twelve days, but have you ever wondered what it would be like if those gifts were a little more... unconventional? Prepare yourself for some lighthearted humor and join us on this comical journey through the 12 Days of Christmas Funny Lyrics!

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me... a partridge in a pear tree. But what if instead of a bird and a tree, you received a parrot that wouldn't stop squawking and a miniature bonsai plant that required constant care? Talk about an interesting start to the holiday season!

As the days progress, things only get funnier. Imagine opening your door to find not two turtle doves, but two penguins eager to slide across your kitchen floor. And instead of three French hens, how about three French fries that magically replenish themselves? Who needs poultry when you could have a never-ending supply of delicious snacks?

But wait, it gets even better! Forget about four calling birds, because in this version, you'll be serenaded by four prank-calling birds that just can't resist dialing random numbers and giggling on the other end. And instead of five golden rings, picture yourself with five onion rings that follow you around wherever you go, making you the king or queen of fast food fashion.

By the time you reach day six, you'll be in stitches. Who needs six geese-a-laying when you can have six silly geese that lay not eggs, but whoopee cushions? Just imagine the laughter that would ensue every time someone sat down!

As the song continues, the absurdity only grows. Seven swans-a-swimming? Nope, how about seven dolphins that do synchronized swimming routines in your bathtub? And instead of eight maids-a-milking, how about eight baristas who serve up frothy lattes with festive holiday designs?

But the real highlight comes on day nine when your true love presents you with... nine ladies dancing? Not in this version! Instead, picture yourself surrounded by nine breakdancing penguins with moves so wild, they put the famous dancing lady emoji to shame.

As the countdown nears its end, you'll find yourself chuckling at ten lords leaping around your living room like kangaroos on a sugar high. And who needs eleven pipers piping when you can have eleven pizza delivery guys showing up at your door with every type of pizza imaginable? Talk about a feast fit for a king or queen!

Finally, we reach the last day, and instead of twelve drummers drumming, you'll be treated to twelve monkeys banging on pots and pans while swinging from chandeliers. It may be chaotic, but it's also the perfect grand finale to this zany version of the holiday classic.

So, let's take a break from the traditional and embrace the laughter that comes with the 12 Days of Christmas Funny Lyrics. Who knew that a parrot, penguins, onion rings, and breakdancing penguins could bring so much joy? This humorous twist on a beloved song is sure to put a smile on your face and leave you humming these silly lyrics all season long.


The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes the joyous and festive tune of The 12 Days of Christmas. But have you ever stopped to really listen to the lyrics? They may seem innocent at first, but upon closer inspection, you'll find that they are filled with hilariously absurd gifts and situations. In this article, we will take a lighthearted look at the funny side of the classic holiday song.

The True Cost of the Gifts

Let's start by breaking down the lyrics and calculating the cost of each gift mentioned in The 12 Days of Christmas. According to an annual survey conducted by PNC Wealth Management, the total cost of all the gifts in the song for 2021 is a whopping $41,205.58! Can you imagine receiving all those gifts and the bill that comes with it? It's safe to say that your true love must be a multi-millionaire to afford such extravagant presents.

Unusual Presents

As the song progresses, we can't help but chuckle at some of the unusual and downright bizarre gifts. Who wouldn't want a partridge in a pear tree for Christmas? I mean, who needs another potted plant to take care of during the busy holiday season? And don't get me started on the geese-a-laying and swans-a-swimming! How does one even go about caring for these feathery creatures on a daily basis?

Twelve Drummers Drumming

Now, let's talk about those twelve drummers drumming. Imagine waking up on the twelfth day of Christmas to the sound of twelve drummers banging away on their drums. Your neighbors would surely love you for that! Plus, where would you even store all those drums? Your living room would become a makeshift percussion studio in no time.

Eleven Pipers Piping

Next, we have eleven pipers piping. Can you imagine the noise pollution that would come with having eleven people playing bagpipes in your home? You'd have to invest in a good pair of earplugs or risk going deaf before New Year's Eve. Plus, your pets would likely be terrified of all the strange sounds echoing through the house.

The Challenge of Receiving Live Animals

As the song continues, it becomes apparent that the true love in question has a penchant for giving live animals as gifts. While this may seem charming in theory, it presents a whole new set of challenges. Taking care of a partridge, turtle doves, and French hens requires time, effort, and a fair amount of birdseed. And let's not forget about the mess they'll inevitably make!

Five Gold Rings

One might think that receiving five gold rings would be a fantastic gift, but it's important to consider the practicality of such a present. How often would you actually wear five gold rings? Unless you're a member of a rock band or enjoy excessive bling, you'd probably end up pawning them for some extra cash.

Four Calling Birds

Four calling birds might sound delightful, but the constant chirping and squawking could quickly become overwhelming. Plus, imagine trying to take an important phone call with four birds competing for attention in the background! It's safe to say that these feathered friends would be promptly returned to the pet store.

The Ultimate Clutter

By the time we reach the end of the song, it becomes clear that the true love has a penchant for clutter. With all the maids-a-milking, ladies dancing, and lords-a-leaping, your home would feel more like a chaotic circus than a peaceful holiday retreat. Good luck finding a place to sit or even walk through the mess!

The Final Verdict

While The 12 Days of Christmas may be a beloved holiday song, it's hard not to chuckle at the absurdity of the lyrics. From the impractical gifts to the overwhelming clutter, it's clear that this true love is either incredibly eccentric or has a twisted sense of humor. So, as you listen to this catchy tune during the holiday season, take a moment to appreciate the comedic value hidden within the lyrics. And remember, it's the thought that counts, even if that thought involves gifting you with a partridge in a pear tree!


The 12 Days of Christmas is a holiday classic that never fails to bring a smile to our faces. As we sing along and embrace the festive spirit, let's not forget to appreciate the humor and absurdity hidden within the lyrics. Whether it's the challenge of caring for live animals or the clutter caused by an excessive number of dancers and leaping lords, these funny lyrics remind us to enjoy the holiday season with a lighthearted and humorous outlook. So, gather your loved ones, start singing, and let the laughter fill the air as you celebrate the most wonderful time of the year.

12 Days Of Christmas Funny Lyrics

Why on earth would anyone give someone a partridge in a pear tree? Can you imagine receiving a bird and a tree as a gift? Talk about hilarious and impractical! It's like receiving a DIY birdhouse kit, except that it's already assembled for you. I can just picture the confusion on someone's face when they unwrap this unexpected present. Um, thanks, but where do I put this tree? And what am I supposed to do with the bird? It's definitely a gift that keeps on giving... you questions.

Two Turtle Doves

On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, two turtle doves... and a partridge in a pear tree. Okay, now we have two birds and a tree. Is this some sort of avian-themed gift exchange party? Maybe the true love in the song is trying to start a poultry farm or establish an aviary. Or maybe they just have a peculiar obsession with birds. Either way, receiving two turtle doves along with the previous day's partridge in a pear tree is quite the surprise. You better start setting up some cages!

Three French Hens

I always wondered what made these hens French. Do they wear berets, sip on café au lait, and have a flair for fashion? I can't help but giggle at the thought of these clucking fashionistas strutting their stuff with a certain je ne sais quoi. Perhaps they lay eggs that are shaped like croissants or make a mean coq au vin. Whatever the case may be, I would love to see these French hens in action. Ooh la la!

Four Calling Birds

Are these birds trained telemarketers? Can you imagine them ringing you up every day during the holiday season? Hello, sir, we would like to offer you a special deal on five golden rings! It's bad enough dealing with actual telemarketers, but having four birds bombard you with sales pitches would be a whole new level of annoyance. On the bright side, at least they would provide some entertainment during those long phone calls.

Five Golden Rings

Ah, finally a valuable gift! But wait, wasn't this song supposed to be about funny lyrics? Well, let's just imagine what would happen if you wore all five of those rings at once. You'd be the envy of all magpies, that's for sure! People would mistake you for a walking jewelry store or think you have an unhealthy obsession with bling. Plus, imagine trying to wash your hands with all those rings on. It would be a challenge worthy of a circus act!

Six Geese A-Laying

Now, this is just getting out of hand. We already have a bunch of birds, and now we have geese that are laying eggs. At least these eggs could make for an interesting breakfast on Christmas morning! Just imagine waking up to a kitchen filled with six geese proudly presenting their freshly laid eggs. It would be like having your own personal omelet factory. But be careful, those geese might get territorial over their egg-laying prowess!

Seven Swans A-Swimming

Picture this - going to your local community pool and seeing seven swans elegantly gliding through the water. I don't know about you, but I'd definitely be doing more people-watching than swimming! Swans are known for their grace and beauty, but imagine the chaos they would cause in a public swimming pool. The lifeguards would have their work cut out for them, trying to maintain order amidst the flapping wings and honking sounds. It would be quite the spectacle!

Eight Maids A-Milking

The image of eight maids frantically milking cows just cracks me up. Can you imagine the chaos in the barn? It's like a bovine rodeo! These poor maids would be running from one cow to another, trying to keep up with the milk production. And let's not forget the cows themselves, who might not be too thrilled about this sudden invasion of milk-hungry maids. It's a scene straight out of a slapstick comedy, and I can't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.

Nine Ladies Dancing

This feels like the start of an impromptu flash mob in the streets. Suddenly, nine ladies bust out their best dance moves while everyone else looks on in utter confusion. Thanks for the entertainment, true love! It's like a scene from a musical, where the town suddenly breaks into synchronized dancing for no apparent reason. You can't help but join in the laughter as these ladies twirl, leap, and shimmy their way through the streets. Who needs a parade when you have nine ladies dancing?

Ten Lords A-Leaping

If the maids were milking cows in the previous gift, these lords are definitely leaping over them! I can just envision a bunch of aristocrats practicing their long jump skills amidst a sea of mooing cows. Priceless! It's like a bizarre blend of the Olympics and a medieval fair. These lords must have some serious leaping abilities to gracefully clear those cows without causing any bovine casualties. It's a sight that would make anyone do a double-take and burst into laughter.

Eleven Pipers Piping

Now things are really starting to get noisy. Imagine eleven pipers piping in your living room. It's like having your very own Scottish marching band perform a private concert for you. The sound of bagpipes echoing through the halls might not be everyone's cup of tea, but it would certainly liven up any holiday gathering. Just make sure to warn your neighbors in advance, or you might find yourself dealing with some not-so-festive noise complaints!

Twelve Drummers Drumming

Last but not least, we have twelve drummers drumming. If the pipers didn't wake up the entire neighborhood, these drummers surely will. It's like having a full-blown percussion ensemble in your backyard. I can just imagine the cacophony of beats and rhythms, making it impossible to hold a conversation or enjoy a peaceful moment. But hey, at least you won't need an alarm clock anymore. The drummers will ensure that you wake up bright and early every morning, ready to face the day with a mix of annoyance and amusement.

In conclusion, the funny lyrics of the 12 Days of Christmas song never fail to bring a smile to our faces. From peculiar presents like a partridge in a pear tree to the chaos caused by maids milking cows and lords leaping, this song is a hilarious mishmash of absurd gifts and situations. So, next time you hear this catchy tune, let out a laugh and appreciate the humorous side of the holiday season!

The Twelve Days of Christmas: A Funny Twist

The Story Behind the Hilarious Lyrics

Once upon a time, in a whimsical land far, far away, there lived a quirky couple named Alice and Bob. Every year, they celebrated the holiday season with an extravagant tradition known as The Twelve Days of Christmas. However, their rendition of this beloved song had a comical twist that left everyone in stitches.

The Origins of the Hilarity

It all started when Alice decided to surprise Bob with a unique gift each day for twelve consecutive days. She wanted to make each present increasingly random and amusing, so she brainstormed with her mischievous friends to come up with the most absurd ideas possible.

The first day arrived, and Alice presented Bob with a partridge in a pear tree. Bob couldn't help but burst into laughter at the sight of a bird perched atop a fruit tree. Little did he know that this was just the beginning of a series of hilarious surprises.

The Absurd Gift-Giving Continues

On the second day, Alice gifted Bob two turtle doves. Bob questioned the practicality of having birds as pets, but he couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of these feathered creatures fluttering around their home.

As the days progressed, Alice's gift-giving became more outrageous. Bob received three French hens, four calling birds, five golden rings (which were actually onion rings!), and six geese a-laying. Their house was starting to resemble a zoo, and Bob couldn't contain his laughter.

The seventh day brought seven swans a-swimming, which left Bob bewildered. He wondered how they would fit in their bathtub and how they'd ever get them out. But Alice reminded him that they could use the swimming pool outside and have a hilarious water ballet show.

On the eighth day, Bob received eight maids a-milking. He couldn't help but laugh at the thought of having eight milkmaids in their living room. Alice assured him that they could start their own dairy farm, and Bob imagined himself wearing a cow-patterned apron and joining in on the milking fun.

Next came nine ladies dancing, ten lords a-leaping, and eleven pipers piping. The house turned into a lively dance party, with Bob hilariously attempting to match the ladies' moves and imitating the extravagant leaps of the lords.

The Grand Finale

Finally, on the twelfth day of Christmas, Alice surprised Bob with twelve drummers drumming. The noise was deafening, but Bob couldn't help but laugh heartily as he joined in on the drumming, creating a cacophony that echoed through the neighborhood.

As the twelve days came to an end, Alice and Bob couldn't stop giggling at the absurdity of their holiday tradition. Their friends and family joined in on the laughter, and the Twelve Days of Christmas took on a whole new meaning in their whimsical world.

Keywords Description
Alice The female protagonist of the story who surprises Bob with hilarious gifts
Bob The male protagonist who receives Alice's ridiculous presents with laughter
Hilarious The tone used throughout the story to describe the comical nature of the gift-giving
Absurd The nature of the gifts given by Alice, which become increasingly random and outrageous
Laugh The response provoked by the unexpected and humorous presents

Thank You for Joining the Festive Fun!

Hello there, fellow merrymakers! As we wrap up our journey through the hilarious world of the 12 Days of Christmas funny lyrics, we want to take a moment to express our gratitude. Thank you for joining us on this whimsical ride filled with laughter and joy. We hope you've had as much fun reading as we did writing!

Now, let's reflect on the past 10 days and revisit the comical twists and turns of this beloved holiday tune. From the very first day when our true love gifted us a partridge in a pear tree, we knew we were in for a wild ride. Little did we know that each subsequent day would bring even more absurd and outrageous presents!

On the second day, those two turtle doves were serenading us non-stop, turning our peaceful abode into a chaotic aviary. And who could forget the three French hens, attempting to cook us a fancy feast while causing havoc in the kitchen? It was like an episode of a cooking show gone terribly wrong!

As we moved on to the fourth day, the four calling birds were quite the nuisance. Imagine having a conference call going on right in your living room – feathers flying everywhere and pecking at your phone! It's a miracle we managed to keep our sanity intact.

Oh, the fifth day brought us such a unique gift – five golden rings. But let's be honest, who needs five rings? We're not married to Saturn, after all! Talk about an extravagant present, though it did make us feel a bit like royalty.

Things took an interesting turn on the sixth day when six geese-a-laying invaded our home. Let's just say that their egg-laying abilities were a little unpredictable, leaving us with quite the mess to clean up. But hey, at least we had omelets for days!

By the seventh day, those seven swans-a-swimming had turned our bathtub into a makeshift lake. It was like having our own private water park, complete with feathers and splashing! We were just grateful that they didn't invite their friends from the nearby pond.

As we reached the eighth day, we were greeted by eight maids-a-milking. Now, while we appreciate the gesture, we were left wondering what on earth we were going to do with all that milk! Our fridge was overflowing, and our lactose intolerance was truly put to the test.

The ninth day brought us nine ladies dancing, transforming our living room into a festive disco. We couldn't help but groove to the beat, even though we had to dodge twirling partners left and right. We might not have been experts, but it sure was a sight to behold!

On the tenth day, we received ten lords-a-leaping. Their athletic prowess was impressive, but our furniture paid the price. Our poor couch endured quite the gymnastics routine, and let's just say it will never be the same again. At least they didn't try leaping over any candles!

And now, as we bid adieu to the eleventh day, we can't help but chuckle at the eleven pipers piping. Our humble abode transformed into a concert hall, filled with the lively sounds of bagpipes. It was an experience to remember, to say the least!

So here we are, at the end of our journey, laughing and reminiscing about the absurdity of it all. We hope these funny lyrics have brought a smile to your face and brightened up your holiday season. Remember, laughter is the best gift we can give and receive!

Thank you for joining us on this whimsical adventure through the 12 Days of Christmas funny lyrics. We wish you a joyous and laughter-filled holiday season, surrounded by loved ones and plenty of good cheer. Until next time, keep the laughter flowing and may your days be merry and bright!

People Also Ask about 12 Days Of Christmas Funny Lyrics

What are some funny alternative lyrics to the 12 Days of Christmas?

Oh, I'm glad you asked! Prepare yourself for a jolly good laugh with these hilarious alternative lyrics to the classic 12 Days of Christmas:

  1. On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, a partridge in a pear tree. And boy, was that partridge a real chatterbox! It wouldn't stop squawking all day long!

  2. On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, two turtle doves. But let me tell you, those doves were terrible singers! They squawked and squawked until my ears couldn't take it anymore.

  3. On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, three French hens. Well, those hens were quite the fashionistas! They strutted around in their berets and feather boas, pretending they were on a Parisian catwalk.

  4. On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, four calling birds. Those birds had quite the phone bill! They were constantly chatting away to their bird buddies, discussing the latest gossip in the avian world.

  5. On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, five golden rings. But surprise, surprise – they were actually onion rings! I guess my true love thought I needed a snack between the bird deliveries.

  6. On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, six geese a-laying. Those geese were quite the comedians! They would lay eggs with funny messages written on them, like How do you quack someone up? Tell them a goose joke!

  7. On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, seven swans a-swimming. Those swans thought they were synchronized swimming champions! They would glide across the water while performing elaborate routines, complete with feathers as accessories.

  8. On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, eight maids a-milking. But those maids weren't just milking cows – oh no! They were also milking the applause from the audience as they showcased their impressive dance moves.

  9. On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, nine ladies dancing. These ladies had some serious moves! They twirled and spun so fast that they created a tornado on my front lawn. Hold onto your hats!

  10. On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, ten lords a-leaping. And boy, could those lords leap! They jumped so high that they reached the moon and back. NASA should definitely recruit them for their next space mission.

  11. On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, eleven pipers piping. But these pipers didn't play traditional tunes – they rocked out on electric guitars! Their rendition of Jingle Bells was a real headbanger.

  12. On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, twelve drummers drumming. Those drummers had a great sense of humor! They would randomly break into drum solos and make everyone around them burst into laughter.

Enjoy these funny lyrics and have a jolly good time!